
გზავნილი კლიმატის ცვლილების საპასუხოდ: კარგი პრაქტიკები ადრესატი მუნიციპალიტეტებისთვის

ბროშურა მომზადებულია კვლევითი პროექტის "კლიმატის ცვლილების საპასუხოდ: კვლევაზე დაფუძნებული პრაქტიკა ადგილობრივი ხელისუფლების საქმიანობისთვის" ფარგლებში

Action for climate reaction: research-into-use for local governments

In this report, we attempt to analyze how the commitments under the CoM are implemented on municipal levels. We aim to explore how the signatory municipalities use the data/information for climate actions and discuss the issue of current practices of cities in developing climate-related initiatives. The report provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of implementing the CoM commitments on a municipal level. It will also explore the potential for evidence to support local climate action and the role of municipalities in driving climate change initiatives. Our hope is that the policymakers, municipal officials, and other stakeholders find this report informative and helpful in working towards a sustainable future.

“Tracing the link between Climate Justice Action and the NDCs” in Georgia

In the following report, the authors describe key processes shaping the new regime in climate governance as well as reflect on Georgia's position and progress within the agreed-upon system. The authors delineate the steps Georgia will be undertaking as a party to Paris Agreement on a pathway to meet the country's commitments outlined in the updated NDCs. The report outlines key findings of the study in two primary directions (1) review of the policy documents and (2) case study outcomes. Both components support the cross-examination of findings.

Climate Action Plan 2021-2023 (Visualisation)

The project team developed visualization as a side project based on the 2021-2023 Action Plan of Georgia’s 2030 Climate Strategy. The interactive visualization explores responsible institutions for the action plan activities and shows how activities are supported and by how much.

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